Saturday, August 23, 2008

I still have ramai kawan.

Happy birthday Fox!

Vegetarian restaurants can have extensive menu. Not bad, but the place could do better with the dishes.

Fixing the phone line = RM150. According to bapa tiada resit diberi. Haruskah kami terasa sudah kena con oleh budak2 contractor itu? Lahabau punya contractor Telekom.

3 guys, 2 girls and a kopi place on a friday nite means:

  1. Not arriving on time as usual.
  2. Gosip-gosip liar (current and lapuk).
  3. Going down memory lane reminiscing the joys of youthful time. This can sometimes be painful, aaaaahhaaaaa.........
  4. Confessions of 'aku tak suke ko masa skolah dulu'.
  5. The ultimate 'singles bonding'.
  6. Therapy - coping with the recent loss of used-to-be single friends to marriage and silently wondering who's next.
  7. Scanning the crowd not to pick up hot babe/dude alerts but for the assurance that these people are just like you - over 25 and single. Signals are currently pretty good.
  8. A minimum of one bathroom trip.
  9. Panggilan keramat oleh bapa selepas jam 12 tengah malam.
  10. Pemanduan litar lumba untuk pulang ke rumah sambil neves memikirkan alasan kepada bapa. Social mobility gets harder as you age (obviously at my end, not his).

1 comment:

Oimira said...

ahhhhh us singles,how fun. especially when emak not around hehe