Wednesday, July 04, 2012

Confessions of a (Guilty) Diabetic

1. Walking into Mothercare during lunch break, prior to having food.

2. Having a self-induced adrenaline attack by browsing and touching adorable baby clothes.

3. Queueing up at the McDonald's ice cream kiosk and ordering a (gasp!) Strawberry MILKSHAKE. What was I supposed to do? The sign says "new fun size". Hell yeah I had fun. *sluuuuuurrrrrpppppp*

4. Tapau-ing "proper" lunch of curry-laden rice and saying "yes, please" when the lady asked if I wanted poppadoms.

5. Not being able to undo what's done. Hah.

Lesson learnt - no matter how tied up your weekend was, you just have to slip some time in to prep simple lunches for the week. This eating out habit is bad for the baby.


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