Monday, February 20, 2012

Parenthood #1

Dear Alfi (or baby girl whom I have yet to find a name for),

Listen now. You can't keep making mommy throw up like this you know. You do know how much had gone in and out mommy's system for the past two days, don't you? Yeah, I figured it wouldn't be oblivious to you anymore. You must be real hungry in there aren't you...? I so wanna eat something nice but you're not cooperating here, bun-bun. Did you realise that the puke even went up mommy's nostrils because the pressure from inside was so immense? It sure happened more than once...eeeeuurrgghhh, soy-flavoured mucus.
No...I'm not scolding you okay. I'm just asking nicely that we do away with this hormonal rage. I say, let's make do with less hormones and you stay a tough kid in there. I think you've pretty much had a luxurious dose of hormones at the rate of my vomiting (oi, do not OD). Mommy's trying here and it takes two to make it work. Okay, three. But your bapak can't do much save for stroking my back when the barfing comes big time. I know that it's only 2 weeks away till we're in our second trimester but aren't you tired of not getting enough food? Mommy has already lost 2 kilos and we both know that now's not the time to shed the pounds away.
I'm gonna let you sleep on it tonight. Go on, think of how much yummy stuff we can both enjoy (yes, there's so much better stuff out there than the sugar crackers you're surviving on). I'll hear you out in the morning, okay? At least let mommy drink plain water la until we get to week 12...if only you know how thirsty I am. Tsk.

You know I love you and I want the best for you. Be a good kid and be nice to mommy. If you behave, I can guarantee you'll get so much (stuff) when you're out in September.

Night night kisses,
Yo Momma


lokmanfirajunior said... sweetttt! baby tak kuar lagi dah ada notes utk dia ek.
Aku tau apa ko rasa, be strong ya! Dulu aku hilang 3kg ko selama 3 bulan lebih. So dont worry, nanti hilang la mual2 ko tuh, dan berat pun bertambah berkilo2.. :)
Take care cukup2 & makan je apa2 yg ko rasa leh telan.

-mamamia- said...

looks like alfi is a fussy eater :) ppl say it's a boy if u are serebeh now.