Sunday, September 21, 2008

There is always something that is not meant to be...

But that smile will always await you in the morning

...buried deep in the farthest corner of your heart.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Projek Hari Esok (dan/atau lusa)

  1. Membuat chocolate fudge untuk Illa.

  2. Membuat muffin untuk Sarah.

  3. Membuat apple sauce atau peanut butter fudge untuk sesiapa yang ada di rumah.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

(Even the) stars are blind

AQUARIUS (January 21-February 18) for September 16, 2008

There is an emotional issue that you're mulling over your head. Try to balance your rational thought with an emotional evaluation, without the former dominating the latter. Write that letter.

Funny how it is advising me to go against the flow, heart over head.

Write that letter? Berbaloikah kita bukak rasa hati kalau yang menerima tu tutup hati dia seketat mungkin? Yang pernah buat salah pun tak semestinya akan buat salah sampai bila-bila...

Saya dah cuba mengalah. And I am deemed masih salah.

I'm really hurt.

Monday, September 15, 2008

have wok will cook

Monday, September 15 - The domestic goddess movement pioneered by Ki-Moira and Adiepot is getting more aggressive by the day. Adiepot, spotted (again) today in her kitchen, seemed oblivious to the power trips during the afternoon storm while preparing hot dishes for buka puasa. Further investigations revealed that there was a big kuali of ayam masak kicap and a combo of bok choy-and-mushroom stir-fry ready by 6.45pm. It is apparent from the size of the kuali that Adiepot is still a rookie who has yet to guesstimate serving size correctly. Yesterday, sources have also reported that she was seen doing major cleaning at the front porch and even rearranged the furnitures to create a cozy lepak place for enjoying the cool night breeze.

With cupcake baking/decorating and every other home-making skills getting a rise in popularity, what has become of the work-crazy, going-out-from-dusk-till-dawn-crazy young single women these days? Is there some kind of plague going around at the moment or are they just laying low for a while, comforting men who are getting the paranoia with women increasingly snatching up the power thrones in the corporate world? The latter perhaps, holds a more resounding truth and real soon women will strike again leaving everything domestic as just a 'passing hobby'.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

sheep goes to heaven

I spent Saturday afternoon bijou bazaar-ing with KiMoira. We were really psyched to go since their previous events sounded sangat happening and we haven't been to any of those. Kinda made us (me actually) felt like the left out old maids so we had to go lah to revive what's left of our youth, haha... (we're not THAT old kan babe?)

However, much to our disappointment it was pretty dull. I assume that perhaps it was just one of those times when business isn't doing so well. Puasa kot... For me only several stalls stood out - gajah gajah gallery, the one selling cool polymer clay monster figurines and bangles with eyeballs, bowgroup and the blacksheep. The rest were pretty much selling the same stuff - used clothing items (some are nice vintage but some look like they were ransacked from an old tailor aunty's 'factory outlet circa 1975'), new clothing items that only fit really young girls, accessories, handbags... Perhaps I AM THAT OLD since nothing much got to my fancy. Despite this, I got myself a top from blacksheep because all of you know that I will get BRAIN HAEMORRHAGE AND SEIZURES if I don't buy anything on a supposed shopping outing.'s a...'condition'. And I'm not as strong as KiMoira when it comes to battling this disease.

my blacksheep tee - sedikit renyuk cos i declined the plastic carrier bag and shoved it into my handbag instead as a little contribution to mother nature.

I hope that the RM50 naive art painting lesson is still offered at the gajah gajah gallery. What a romantic way to spend time with friends, a loved one or with diri sendiri kan? Read more from this article: Artist opens gallery to public. I couldn't help to Google them up since their stall has really nice paintings of cats and elephants on canvas.

We promised to 'sleep on it' on these oh-so-chantek handmade leather gladiators (sandals, for u men out there who will definitely not understand) from ninakimi@bowgroup. I haven't gone to sleep but I already know that I'm getting them else I'll be in misery till the end of Q4. Yeah, at least till then cos they're such great investments!

Cik gladiators, saya akan mimpi yang indah-indah tentang kamu malam ini. Aaaahhhhh.....

Friday, September 12, 2008

who says i can't make people happy?

Ingat beberapa hari lepas saya keciwa dengan lauk beli? Semalam ingin memasak tetapi bapa sudah potong jalan dan membeli ayam masala dan sotong - ini lauk sedap dari restoran jadi tak mengapa.

Kerana rancangan semalam terbantut, hari ini saya meneruskan cita-cita memasak. Jadi saya ke pasaraya membeli bahan-bahan asas iaitu sayur-sayuran dan sardin. Heh, jangan ketawa ya...sambal sardin saya ramai orang puji okeh? Kalau Nazli datang dari Kuching mesti dia merengek "Adieeeeeeeee...masak sardin pleaaaaaase? Rindu nak makan sardin kau masak" (dengan muka seperti puppy comel yang meminta belas kasihan*). Masa memilih sayur saya sedikit tergamam kerana tak berapa kenal nama2 sayur ni. Berdasarkan pengalaman memasak yang serba sedikit saya hentam je ambik sayur yang macam kailan tapi kontot dan montok tu. Rasa2nya yang ni lah yang saya suka makan tu. Agak konfius sebab ada lagi satu sayur yang macam nak sama tapi batang dia kaler putih. Lepas tu saya tambah carrot, tomato dan....aha! Tauhu klasik. Nyaman ni semua kalau masak kacau-goreng (stir fry?). Di pasaraya saya juga membeli sardin untuk mak kucing kat rumah ni yang dah tak mau makan friskies. Jadi kucing dan tuan kucing bermenu utama yang sama tapi stended lain2. Mak kucing makan sadin harga rm1.15 je setin kecik. Cukuplah tu, semalam saya dah bagi dia makan 2 tin tuna in water yang saya biasanya dikhaskan untuk musim saya berdiet sahaja. Damn u Mak. If it's not because of your 5 kittens yang teramat kiut itu and that you are nursing, jangan harap kau dapat makan tuna saya.

Ya, berbalik kepada cerita memasak. Saya ada satu jam sahaja sebelum waktu berbuka dan telah memasak dengan tangkas. Walaupun adik sudah pulang pejabat dengan penuh nekad saya tidak mahu meminta tolong walau sedikit. Saya boleh buat ini! 5 menet sebelum berbuka, sambal sadin dan sayur campur sudah siap. Walaupun ada beli tambah lauk gulai lemak bapa kata "Oh kakak masak ke? Tak payahlah makan lauk beli ni.". Sedang makan bapa juga berkata "Lauk ini jauh lebih sedap dari yang dibeli". Adik juga berkata "Wah, lauk hari ini sangat sedap". Untuk pengetahuan anda semua, selain pisang keluarga saya ada obsesi dengan lauk sadin. Bapa juga telah mencadangkan supaya saya masak sadin lagi Isnin depan, tapi kari sadin pula. Nyehehhe...

Saya sangat hepi di atas prestasi hari ini. Bapa juga saya rasa hepi sebab selain memuji sadin, dia juga telah habiskan 1/2 portion sayur yang saya rasa cukup untuk 5 orang sebab saya tak pandai bajet bila masuk bahan2 (selalu termasak lebih huhu..). Adik hepi bercampur sedih sebab nanti sahur kena makan lauk beli balik. Tetapi saya meng-console adik, lauk sadin sebenarnya banyak lagi dalam kuali, dan dia tersengih girang. Kami juga bertambah hepi kerana kuih yang saya beli tadi dua-dua sangat sedap. Besar pulak tu, sebijik 40 sen dgn 50 sen je. Macam ni lah meniaga ikhlas namanya.

Oleh itu kesimpulannya, memasak lebih bagus tambahan jika family anda tidak cerewet. Jika ada adik beradik yang banyak songeh dan memilih lauk, sila beli sahaja supaya tak ada orang merajuk di meja makan.


*statement ini mengandungi unsur-unsur exaggerate oleh penulis

nota kaki: Hari ini emak berbuka kat function opis jadi dengan dukacita reaksi emak terhadap sadin dan sayur campur tidak dapat dirakamkan untuk dikongsi bersama para pembaca. Harap maklum.

mood hari ini ialah...

Berperasaan seperti ingin MAKAN PISANG.

Sekian terima kasih.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

don't talk to me

Hari ini saya bersenam. Walaupun tak sehebat (ehem) bulan tak puasa tapi kurang2 lepas jugak kayuh beskal 4.5km dan membuat senaman tangan dan kaki yang lain. boleh tahan la buat leg press pakai berat sama macam time tak posa *terasa berlagak*

Lepas dah mandi wangi rambut pun dah blow cantik2 (hair dryer dekat gym adalah paling hebat di dunia hoho) saya pergi ke pasar ramadhan TTDI yang konon2 famous itu. Oh hari sangat panas dan ramai betul orang pakai spek itam membeli makan. (Hmm...macam sama je menu macam pasar ramadhan dekat rumah?) Saya cari gerai nasik kerabu yang DJ Light n Easy sebut tu - gerai makcik hasnah - tapi takde pun, dan juga saya tak nampak mana2 gerai menjual produk yang sama yang nampak ada kualitas . Jadi saya beli lah nasik ayam kukus (sebab nampak ramai je orang kat sini), 2 jenis kuih, lauk untuk sahur, dengan air soya Jenny Hong. Bila balik rumah bapa pun ada beli lauk tambah dengan kuih lagi.

Bila dah berbuka dengan sangat excited nak makan banyak habiskan ayam sebesar dinosaur tu sebab tadi bersenam banyak kuar tenaga dan perut lapar maksimum.


Kuah gulai tu manis gila gila gila punya manis. Lauk bapa beli pun sama (rendang apo mcm tu?). Kuih toksah citer lah membazir sebab semua macam ke tong sampah le jawabnya. Ini belum beli banyak2 okeh? Macam mana orang2 yang soping makanan berbuka macam saya soping kasut/beg tu? Konfem 95% yang diaorg jual tu tak sedap langsung, aaarrrgghhh, so macam mana diaorang ni boleh beli berplastik2??

Tiba-tiba rasa frust yg teramat sangat. It's only the 10th day of puasa and I've been having very bad experience with pasar-bought food. hari-hari kena tipu dengan orang jual makanan bukak posa. I am really really marah okeh? Sudahla mahal yang amat. Kalau mahal tapi sedap orang tak marah tau tak? Ini bukan marah, tapi saya banyak kecik hati sama orang meniaga makanan. Haih....

Sudah cakap dengan emak bahawa esok saya mau goreng sayur sama masak kicap (the only few dishes saya boleh masak tanpa was-was). Emak kata kalau telur masak kicap pun tak apa. Konfem konfem lagi edible daripada lauk pauk fancy yang beli kat luar.

So yeah, I'm hot and bothered and ngantuk sebab semalam tak cukup tidur dan sebab hari ni pergi jumpa recruitment agents yang seorang boleh tahan arrogant dengan seorang yang bagi remark 'your previous employer was very generous' (hey watch your mouth there young man!) dan yang paling penting: MARAH SEBAB MAKANAN BELI SEMUA TAK SEDAP!!!!!!!

Makanan tidak bersalah, saya tahu itu. orang jual tu yang keji keji keji.


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

sleep on it first la kan?

I have just finished mengisi borang minta kerja. My back is killing me. Never have I been so intense in job applications - what do you call a gazillion times of double-checking? I so don't wanna have left anything out and a small voice is telling me that I better call it a night and finalise everything tomorrow. Maybe I did miss a tiny field or two there. Hmm...I really want them to see my mail in their inboxes first thing in the morning. But perhaps I should hold my horses. And go downstairs makan instead. Food calms yeah.

And.....they also want academic transcripts since the yonder years and that's not good. I was so busted back in pre-u days. Nasib baik pass. With all the 'karipaps' I got for Physics I'm praying that the peeps at *** will just dismiss it as my 'mencari erti hidup' (read: berfoya2) phase huhuhu..... Forget about the past people, the present moi and you over there in that snazzy office are meant to be (work) together!

I want this job badly :(

Monday, September 08, 2008

Confession of an oatmeal convert

I have hated oatmeal for the past 27 years+++ (sekarang kamu tahu saya tua). But woohoo not anymore!

I. AM. OATMEAL. CRAZY. And I have it every morning for sahur *wink wink*.

The main players

Pisang nuked on HIGH for 1 minute

(Mushy pisang+oatmeal+hot water+dash of milk back to 1 minute in the microwave on HIGH) + generous sprinkle of chopped walnut

...5 minutes later, it was moi on HIGH :D

Makanlah oat untuk kesihatan tubuh badan walaupun ia nampak seperti muntah kucing yeah!!!!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

I miss working

I thought this would come much later. Ok, I'm coming to a confession here - I miss my job. I didn't quit because I hated it. maybe a little bit, but it was more of something else, and the fact that the graph has already come to a plateau. I wanted new challenges. Now I don't know whether I miss the job, or working or the money i get at the end of the month (hehe). You see I love love love reading business books. Since I have stopped working I can't read more than a few pages at a time because I can't relate the content to what I'm doing. Well hello, I'm a penganggur berjaya. There's no product or business strategy for me to associate with what I'm reading anymore so things get very boring. I have tonnes of books waiting to be finished. And today I G-talk to Sara about working with former employer (and the whole company) and Sara was like, 'u miss that place babe'. Whoaaaaaaaa sedihhhhhhhh!
I need to do something worthwhile. And I hate my sleep disorders. Sangat buat saya tidak produktif aaarrrggghhh!

Monday, September 01, 2008

Sudah puasa!

What I had the day before puasa:

  • Nasi ayam penyet
  • Sup rawon
  • 1/2 pint ice cream
  • A major portion of 100g-pack choc chip & macadamia cookies

What I just had for sahur:

  • Maple nut oatmeal
  • Pisang
  • Low fat milk
  • What's left of my cookies - 4 keping (Sungguh jahat kau beskot merosakkan diet pre-raya saya!)

What I have in the fridge for buka later:

  • Bundaberg root beer!!!!

Rut bir = Soda gembira?(!)