Thursday, January 24, 2013

Funny, We Have Never Even Met (for real) Despite Having Attended the Same School. Shame On YOU, Mak Odena!

Odens went to sleep at 1230hrs tonight. Hahhhh biar benar tido awallll????? 

So I checked my blog and somehow clicked on her profile pic and "bam!" discovered that she had long since wrote again. 

So that's how I spent the last 1.5 hours, of which, could have been utilised to savour my precious sleep time but no regrets, for I had fun catching up on the last 4 years.

You're on my bookmark list (again!) Bells, and my wish is that for you to have a paeds ward-free stories this year :)

Aside to the 5 people who follow this blog, go read this. It makes you understand now why you should appreciate SAHMs. Yes, because they/we see the lighter side of things among the throngs of snot/tantrum/goldfish crackers-on-the-floor/fever/poop/etc etc episodes. Because SAHMs don't deserve to be looked down upon as if they (we)'re living off what little dough the husbands bring home at month end by (as the Malays call it) "dangling our feet in mid air at home". << ahhh mungkin juga. Cuba buat scissors untuk ketatkan perut yang geleber2 lepas beranak ni, but hey, I'm only 49kg post-partum. Much thinner/lighter than those of you you haven't popped little earthlings out of your vajayjay.  Riak. Hah. Hah. Hah.

I still can't bring myself to bake the goddamnrainbowcake for the Annual Jimba Picnic (dari monthly selo selo dah jadi annually bila semua beranak pinak). Eeeee too much hassle. So I'll probably make this:

Now. Smile, people. Smile.

1 comment:

Nurul Isabella said...

Oh bukan setakat pergi ke sekolah yang sama, malah kita juga sama-sama belajar dekat Asasi dulu.

Silalah rasa bersalah sekarang Maknya Odena hihi.

Terima kasih lah sebab baca blog kita balik. Walaupun kadang-kadang post emo tak tentu pasal :-p