Thursday, December 20, 2012

And the muffin top hath spoketh

Being a (first-time) mom means flooding the web with pictures of your baby. Sorry singletons, I really don't care if I annoy you lot. Once you get to this side of the hill, you're just gonna curse yourselves for having been so bitter.

Listen. I know how you feel. Been there done that, and trust me, your future is better off without being so bitchy now. Ooh...what did I just hear? "BITE ME", you said? I'm not gonna be agony aunty and nag because it's just not worth the effort. Just two questions: "How would you feel if your own mothers aren't happy with or proud of you?  How much hurt would it inflict you if they never showed that you mean the world to them?"

I figured.

So now just back off and let us bask in our happiness.

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