By now you should already realise that despite having a philantrophic streak I am also quite a bitch at dissing people. Saya tidak bangga dengan perangai ini tapi kadang2 menyampah sgt sampai mulut jadi jahat.
There's this person on my facebook whom I have known to love flaunting stuff she does. Tak payah cerita semua sebab membazir tenaga jari2 nak menaip saja. I logged on FB today and saw her latest status asking for tips and advice for travelling to location X. Mind you, location X itu bukanlah Timbuktu sampai nak kena announce kat facebook dan bertanya cara2 nak melancong di tempat itu. Gosh woman, your trick is so yesterday. Yes, I know I shouldn't get upset over such petty issue since you have always been like this since college days but you just make me sick(er) lah. Perhaps you have forgotten that you used the same trick before you left for your honeymoon in Location Y. Dua-dua location pun tempat yg tak payah bersusah payah nak tanya orang macam mana nak bawak diri jadi hentikan perbuatan yang jelek ini.
You know you can just Google it up and that millions of entries will be listed.
You know that kalau dah habis malas pun kau nak baca semua webpages itu kau boleh saja baca Wikitravel page on Location X itu.
You know that you cant give 'no Internet access' as an excuse to not doing these things.
You surely know that kalau dah teruk sgt takde Internet access you can just go to one of the many bookstores here in KL and get a gazillion travel guides - tebal ada, nipis ada, map semua ada.
Janganlah berpura-pura kau risau tak tau macam mana nak menjadi pelancong di tempat itu. Travelling is not rocket science anymore. Kalau nak pergi tempat paling obscure dalam dunia pun mesti ada punya maklumat terkini di Internet wahai kenalanku yang amat menjengkelkan hati.
Face it, you just like to show off. Either that or you are just a pea-brain-and-a-half. Aaaaggghhhh stop it stop it stop it you're so lame!
I am nursing my flu and demam and I am very easily emotionally disturbed by the pettiest things as the mo'. Diam.
DELETE! press the DELETE button like what I did last week. ERASE those unwanted 'elements' from my life. Life is too short to be wasted on them.
obviously feels the need to announce her travel itinerary to the rest of the world. best approach would be to completely not ask her anything about the trip. even if she mentions it, just go 'yeah' and change the topic. bound to elicit an entertaining reaction from her.
(spoken from experience)
hehe sound tip there prav. hey jas chill - i vent out oredi no need for further angst lah... ;P
haha tu mu tok add CD lagi. kalu dok konpem everyday mu keno meroye dale blog mung. ngahahahaha..
*aku tido lambat smale bitching about him with a 6P classmate. lol.
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