Saturday, November 06, 2010

I'm just going with the flow. Let's see where the current leads me to.

Water, in whatever packaging or branded as, is still water - a natural element composed of two hidrogen and one oxygen molecules. We get added benefit with the content of some - minerals and added nutrients - or non-fancy water at its basic form. However since water is merely water and nothing else, much effort needs to be invested so sales can be made. Gimmicky marketing stunts need to be pulled so we forget what it actually is.

I liken this analogy to men. They are basically made up of the same chromosomal composition for one or the other. When X crosses with Y, whatever additional 'X-factor' brought into the picture is merely a bonus so it can somewhat bridge them males to us the double Xs. No matter what they look like, what their jobs are, where they are from, how many certification they hold, etcetera etcetera.

Isn't it frustrating when one drinks the Evian or Smart Water ('zero calories', heh) one finds that they taste no different than the 80 sen hypermarket house brand water? So there, ever wonder why we hear the phrase 'Men, they are all the same' so often but the equivalent for women is hardly in existence?

Go on. Shoot me.

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