Saturday, July 24, 2010

What's YOUR date night like?

Dear God,

I am thankful for the times when he isn't traveling on weekends.

I am thankful for the weekends which he has the luxury to stay home and not being summoned to the office.

I am thankful for the rare occurrences of stable Internet connection in his building.

I am thankful that only Skype is blocked in that stupid country. Damn you Emiratis!

I am thankful for the first few minutes of high quality web cam stream from his end so I could see his face, live, thousands of miles away. You know how much I miss him.

I am thankful that World Cup is over so we could resume with video calls and not having to make do with non-quality voice calls.

I am thankful for his efforts to allocate those precious hours just to talk about and listen to my nonsense. All the while having to stay on the only spot in the house with good connectivity.

I am thankful for his proposal to pencil in another date tomorrow night to make up for the upcoming weeks when he will be away (again).

I am thankful that he still stands by me despite whatever that had happened.

I am thankful for his return to my life, without which I believe would not have made me the (perhaps slightly) more grateful and patient person I am today.

I am thankful for having the conscience to always thank You for all these and more.

And so I hope You will continue to listen to our prayers and ease our way through this journey towards the next 'milestone' somewhere in the very near future.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sweetnya cik nad.

I aminkan juga... wish u both all the best eternally.

-kak A-