Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Quick entry, puke-inducing

I miss you. Seeing things that remind me of you everywhere.

Sad la... :(

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Pre-workout snack.

Silap beli, I thought I took Greek style. Apparently whoever made this yoghurt had excess of green ink and so they printed all labels in it regardless of product type. Harem. But taste-wise it is oh-so-sedap. And this combo is also higher in protein, lower in sugar compared to regular prepackaged flavoured 'gurt. Unfortunately I don't do much fresh fruit cos it is so leceh. Buy one kilo, eat one, the rest goes to mush. So fruit conserve is the way to go.

Try this. Better than ice cream tak tipu.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Happy Anniversary Sayang!

One year ago we nervously crossed the start line at sunrise. And we (okay, I) fret over broken promises of naners for runners. And we had long queues for water and medal collection. But we also had nicer race kit bags, stronger knees and were more morally conscious about errr....our running categories and what came with it.

Today, in the spirit of running we left the pain at home and ran honest-to-God for fun. Yes we wanted to mark this milestone and share the memory with our great-grandchildren someday (ok gila corny). But since we also look forward to still walking, not limping, 30 years down the road we opted to delay doing the Half to some other time lah.

Okay we kinda jeopardised our morale and claimed some 'items' we probably should not have. Bahahhaaaa....jangan tanya apa. Harusla bawa pulang some keepsake memento bila sudah bayar RM45 dan masuk lari.

I redeemed my conscience by letting go of my banana to a well-deserving 10k participant despite actually looking forward to devouring it in peace later (sebab dia buat muka kesian mintak 'nad u tak mau pisang tu kasi kat I la'). Orang ini tiada dalam gambar atas sebab-sebab merahsiakan identiti. Eceh.

Okay dua orang itu dalam gambar I sangat sayang. U know, I tahan airmata cross finish line pegang tangan sama mereka :')

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Snow White & the 8 Dwarfs?

Apparently my 5-year-old cousin believes that she should not be left out of the picture. Haha cute.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Adakah Justin Bieber Dalam Poket Kamu Nanti?


I feel so LAME now. LAME. LAME LAME LAME. On top of it I have missed the discount period which ended (whaddayaknow) yesterday. I'll go out of my way to get to his six-pack, especially at a discount, any day man *DROOL*.

Tapi takpelah bukan I sorang je LAME. Ki-Moira pun tatau, Winn pun tatau, and most friends all tatau Usher mau datang perform. Proof none of us is alone in this world ('=_=)

I'm guessing it's the age factor.

OH MY GOSH. Ohhh wooo ooooh ooooh.

Bocong air ko?

To tumblr, or not to tumblr?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Enlightenment. Found.

Tiba-tiba terasa header banner kat atas ni sangatlah poyo. It has taken me 1.5 years to notice this. Or perhaps I have noticed but been living in denial all the while.

When approaching 30, one must make wiser decisions. Gaaaaaaa..!

*rasa cerdik sikit hari ni tiba-tiba.

But what about the odd length calf-high white socks?

I grew up believing that one must get a new bag for the new school year, every year. Often wondered how could some kids carry the same old bags on the first day of school. Eeeeek! (Tengok, kecik-kecik dah pandai prejudis si gemok ni.) New shoes? That's given.

So yeah, since I'm going back to school in two weeks time I probably should re-visit the old routine. Nice.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Great, just GREAT

Thank you for your continued support for Maxis services. We now have new rates for International SMS:

RM 0.50 / sms - All International destinations excluding Thailand, Nepal, Indonesia & Singapore.


Monday, June 21, 2010

Boo Team Kaftan

I'm approaching 30* and I still dig cute sleepwear.

*Yeah shut up you.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cynthia Rowley can you help?

It's almost 2am and here's a list of items that I want:

1. That pair of pink-and-black ribbon back sateen pumps.

2. That other pair of shoes - faux python flats.

3. New jeans, preferably super skinny.

4. Kentucky Fried Chicken, original recipe.

5. Burger daging double special.

6. At least 3 hours to finish up whatever unfinished rolls of films in my many plastic cams.

7. More space in the bedroom.

8. Sleep.

9. Not Paris Hilton's wardrobe.

10. My F to come home.

I seriously need that extra space in the room no joke man.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


It's not easy to have a sweet sukaria moment with my sayang (ha muntahla sekarang korang baca like I care). When something nice happens like, once every quarter, I prefer to immerse myself in all tha lurrrrrrrve, romance and soak in the moment *INDULGE INDULGE INDULGE LAYAN LAYAN LAYAN*

Tapi sangat potong la bila ada anasir-anasir luar buat diri rasa WTH? Wish I can't let myself be too bothered with it but boy am I hurt or what...

Cuba untuk chill sekarang :'(




Bulan 1 boleh? Balik kan?

Sebenar kan, kan...masa hari ni tu Nonz nikah kan...kita kan...rasa...'Hey bestnye kakak mekap artis Banting ni pandai buat muka jadi flawless'.

Pastu kan...kan...kan....kenapa tatau la kita rasa kan.... kalaukitakawennantikitapunmacammaupakaitudung.

Ahahahhahahaa okay muka merah macam udang bakar MALU SEKARANG!!!!!!

*foto kredit Yang Mulia HRH KiMoira 2.55

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

The joke was so not funny

Okaylah, maybe it wasn't you but a little teddy and a bunch of clothes that boarded off the plane. Clothes work. Yep, they so do.

Senang je kamu mahu pujuk saya kan? Cessss.....

Monday, June 07, 2010

Saturday, June 05, 2010

Dalam kepala ada apa deyyy?


Sekarang itu orang sudah masuk hospital baru rasa nak korek tanah timbus diri sendiri kan?

I seriously need to take some kind of pills for this ngokngek-ness and anxiety tak bertempat. Or take time off work because it seems to consume my life now contributing to unnecessary stress and messing my mind up.

Haha kelakar. I know I can't. Financial reasons aside, lepas seminggu mesti you gelisah nak buat keja rindu nak pegi opis Cik Adiepot. But yeah, need to stop over analysing things.

Nota kaki tak berkaitan: I iz sayang Fied (Ye KiMoira kau juga)

Mind your language

Saudara Penasihat yang mempunyai kelayakan profesional dalam industri akaun & kewangan,

"Internet" dan "internet" berbeza maksudnya. Sila ambil perhatian. Hehe.

Yang prihatin,
Saya yang mempunyai didikan formal dalam bidang teknologi maklumat


It ain't easy to proof read 300 pages of boring text, from 2 different sources. But the translators have it worse. SALUT!

Saya bekerja di kedai kopi mahal hari ini sebab dah tak sanggup nak duduk ofis. 'Buat kat rumah' you say? Confirm tak buat le jawabnya.

Haih...even working demands money (other than for the basic necessities) these days. (*_*)

Friday, June 04, 2010

Pagi-pagi Jumaat dah ada yang buat hal

Perlu ke kau CC boss bila nak mintak benda se-simple nak pinjam pembaris dengan aku?????
(Nota: dia bukan nak pinjam pembaris)

You may not remember how you were being difficult smart ass when I recently had to get input from you. BUT I DO. YES I HAVE MEMORY GAJAH. So don't make me switch on my bitch mode. DON'T!!!!!!!!

And you ask me why my face breaks out like mad


Hari suka-suka nak pakai apa pegi keja. Half the time I wish casual Friday was never implemented because I am no longer able to suss out what's decent enough to wear from my two extremely crowded wardrobes. Takde effort betul sejak tua gayut ni.

Hari masa rehat yang lama. Mau makan sedap boleh, mau makan sambil bergosip lama-lama boleh, mau (window) soping boleh, mau tidor lepas makan nasik bungkus boleh. Yet these days my 2 hours always seem to be passing by

Hari boleh rasa kureng stress sebab esok dah weekend tak perlu keja. Tapi dalam kepala selalu risau janganla aku kena datang opis esok sampai tengah malam. I hate it when I put in the hours but *bleep* <<< sudah diconfess kepada Nize tak boleh kasi public sensitip isu.

Hari yang kalau time dulu-dulu I suka nak sampai awal sket makan nasik lemak nanti bleh bakar balik kat gym malam karang. Gym? 3 minggu setengah sudah tak jenguk lepas call Encik Trainer dengan menangis sebab kena kensel training keja punya pasal, sampai dia pun terkedu kenapa la client aku ni. (Menangis sebab tak bleh workout. How Jillian Michaels can I be? Bahahahahaaaaa....!)

Hari yang up until a month ago was considered as mengujakan sebab dia cuti ini hari. Bangun tido mesti dia call, malam sesi bergayut free guna teknologi yang asek2 putus connection sebab negeri arab tu memang tak boleh harap punya bandwidth, call call sms sms senang hati.

I wonder if my phone will even ring today save for work-related calls. 5 bloody months change the dynamics of everything.

Eza Rena Ibrahim says:
stress itu tidak bagus..saya pernah mengalaminya..ketika berjauhan drpd suami selama 1 tahun 4 bulan dan mendapati diri ditipu oleh majikan..memang bangsat akan tetapi saya bersyukur saya dapat melalui semua itu dengan ketabahan dan kesabaran..sabar is the key to one's sanity..sabarlah wahai sahabat..ada hikmah disebalik semua yg berlaku :)

Baik, bersabar. Saya mau pelukan kawan-kawan sekarang *sob*. Kalau dia peluk juga lebih baik tapi sila jangan berangan kelak hati sendiri yang kecewa.

Okay please go to sleep because this is exhaustion talking not you.

Tolong dengar lagu ini. Tolonglah.

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

RM35 siap pasang

Cermin ni kalau kena rembat lagi hari ni aku sumpah nak bakar Mid Valley.

Excuse me for my language rempitness today.