Sunday, February 10, 2008

my commitment to Mr. A

Tonight I made a commitment to a relationship which...i hope will turn out to be the one of the best decisions I have made in this life. I believe the demands will be quite a handful to have it worked out. But I put my damn signature down and there is no turning back.

To Mr. A, I hope your words aren't just mere promises. I have placed my faith in you. Considering the recent disappointments that I have gone through of late, adding another one in my list isn't something that I really wanna look forward to. But I know that it takes two to make it happen. You know, literally, how little strength I have and it is you who'll have to really really help me to make this thing happen - you already commenced your part and i'm grateful for that. It is now my turn to reciprocate, sweat it out and provide us both with what's hopefully a good result.

Though I know that I won't be seeing much of you, twice weekly the max, I look forward to what brief time we'll spend together :)

Quiz: Apakah kesimpulan entry hari ini? Think I'm on cloud 9? In love? Or not in love but something else? But we're talking about being committal here people. If you can piece the bits scattered here and there in the above, I promise that there's a nice treat waiting for you from my upcoming vacation. Ngeeee......

AdiEpoTT sangat Sayang kamu


Oimira said...

i have Mr. A tooo
or if nama sebenar Mr. S.U

twice a week pun jadi la kan babe?

Anonymous said...

la..aku plak yg salah paham..
malu sehhhh...

Unknown said...

ohh gosh......

it's time to move on and on and on and on.......

啤酒花™_J said...


Anonymous said...

huhuhu... apa ni???