Friday, April 10, 2009

Tak mau lah buat kat facebook

1. Slept in a bed beside you: Nazli. Dia bukan lelaki. Saya bukan slut.
2. Saw you cry: Hazlan
3. Went to the movies with: Mira, Nonie, Lokman, Fira, Ray. [Alien sila jeles]
4. You went to the mall with: Haniza-Steph-Shahz
5. You went to dinner with: Haniza-Steph-Shahz
6. You talked to on the phone: Hazlan
7. Said 'I love you' to you and really meant it: Hazlan. Heh. Ye ke? Sila verify.
8. Broke your heart: That girl at Stila counter. Lipgloss on sale sudah habis.
9. Made you laugh: Emak. No she wasn't being funny. I laughed at her. Ngahaha anak derhaka.

10. Pierce your nose or tongue: Tongue. Have always envied nazli but she tertelan her stud once so really mau ka?
11. Be serious or be funny: Seriously funny
12. Drink whole or skim milk: Skim - poyo kan?
13. Die in a fire or drown: Either way, last2 mesti kena rasa api neraka. Errkk.
14. Spend time with your parents or enemies: Enemies, because i can have my maki hamun spree. Tidak boleh derhaka dengan ibu bapa begitu.

every1 is complicated
15. Simple or complicated: (need i say more?)
16. Called Wilhelm: (apa motif soalan ini? or am i too old to get the joke?)
17. Hardcore: Shopper yes.

18. Flowers or candy: Candy (man). Huehuehue
19. Grey or black: Grey - because every other color seems to be the new black
20. Color or black and white photos: B&W - managing the downturn, use less of expensive colour ink. Eh kejap, bukan keja kat firm XXX lagi jadi tak perlu sebok berjimat yeay
21. Lust or love: Love can hurt. Lust is 'slut' in a different order. Dengki la soalan ni.
22. Sunrise or sunset: Sunrise - that means saya banyak duit tinggal kat Solaris Mont Kiara. That's the developer la. Okeh tak kelakar. Tapi mmg berangan nak tinggal sana.
23. M&Ms or Skittles: M&Ms and lotsa!
24. Staying up late or waking up early: Prefer the latter but always end up with the former. Classic.

25. Do you like anyone: Mestilah, ingat aku ni orang busuk hati sgt ke?
26. Do they know it: YA! Wah konfiden.

27. Sun or moon: Moon sebab saya suka lagu moon river
28. Winter or Fall: Neither
29. Left or right: Left - dont get funny ideas please
30. 10 acquaintances or having two best friends: I have perhaps more than 10 best friends so how?
31. Sun or rain: Sun (Solaris) - kemaruk nak jadi orang kaya
32. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream: Vanilla with funny toppings
33. Vodka or Jack: Haram ini

34. What time is it: 12.47 am
35. Name: Sila jangan berpura2 tidak tahu
36. Nickname(s): (suddenly i feel too old to continue with this list)
37. Where were you born: Assunta
38. What is your birthdate: Feb 5 - sama dengan Bobby Brown. NOOO not 'Bobbi' Brown u budak muda what do u know about 80's celebrities??!!!
39. What do you want: (you really wanna see my list?)
40. Where do you want to live: House of Gucci muehehehhehe
41. How many kids do you want: None for now, 5 for later. Ewah.
42. What would you want to name a girl: DeeDee
43. What would you want to name a boy: Dexter - dan sila beritahu emak jika mempunyai makmal rahsia bawah tanah. tapi emak Dexter punggung besar oh dem.
44. You want to get married: Yes because it's what keeps sedara mara penyebok from asking

45. Nervous habits: Hopefully no more now that I have left that XXX firm
46. Double jointed: Err where?
47. Can you roll your tongue? Yep
48. Can you raise one eyebrow? Hell yeah!
49. Can you cross your eyes: One go Singapore one go Penang. Hah hebat.
50. Do you make your bed daily: Yes, i make it messier
51. Which shoe goes on first: Selipar biru Ipanema - perasaan seperti Gisele Bundchen
52. Ever thrown one at someone: Not yet
53. On the average how much do you spend daily: More than I should
54. What jewellery do you wear: Huge rose quartz pendant for today

55. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: Twirl and twirl and twirl till half the plate's gone
56. Have you ever eaten Spam: Haram juga ini
57. Favorite ice cream: Aiskrem potong
58. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet: Several kinds and all healthy ones *smug*
59. What's your favorite beverage: Kopi mahal
60. Do you cook: Of course!

61. Had a b/f or g/f: Yezzzzz
62. Bought something you didn't need?: Hah. Hah. Hah.
63. Sang in front of people: Yes. In the car and I love to sing dengan mimik muka penuh perasaan. Driver keta sebelah must have been very amused.
64. Been hugged: Yep - I have my huggies people yeay
65. Felt stupid: Made to feel stupid yes but I am not. Wah marah.
66. Got drunk: Nope but i love getting entertained by drunk friends haha
67. Got high: High on luuuuuuuuuuurrrrve potion baby *puke puke*
68. Danced crazy: Tidak mungkin aku boleh menandingi si pamelo dekat gym itu
69. Gotten your hair cut: Nada. Now that's an idea :D
70. Cried: Duh.
71. Lied: 'Tidak'

Seperti biasa mengetag KiMoira dan Oyett dan Ezwin dan Hajime dan Fied. Orang2 ini sangat rajin seperti saya. Mahu juga Puan Nurul Isabella sebab dia dah tak apdet blog dia.


FiEd said...

ye, g tgk muvi tu bukan stakat Alien saje yg jeles.
Aku pon turut jeles.
ooo.. skrg dh xajak aku ek? ;p

啤酒花™_J said...

kekeke...u made me laugh. TQ luv.

啤酒花™_J said...

my 'zorroness' shot up to like almost level above 8 just now. after this post, down bit to level 7. after that cilaka, level 6.

adiepot said...

fied, kita tgk movie lepas waktu opis. mmmmm awak mungkin kat sekolah lagi masa tu. eheh

hey jas let me know if u need higher dosage. i think u do :P

FiEd said...

kalo lopeh keje mmg aku still kt skola lg. blik dr skola pkol 7 slalu. huwa...

adie, wale still keje fullday hr sabtu.
tp, kalo ada gig dia sanggup keje half day.bedebah x?

Oimira said...

hehe pamelo.

Iron Butterfly said...

#63 - woman, you're so damn funny. omg.

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