Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Drama Hari Raya

Raya 1
Yup, as reported by Miss Moira, country-road-take-me-home to Negeri Sembilan was a big let-down. Massive traffic congestion. Dan bapa saya suka sekali guna jalan lama. Perhaps it takes him down memory lane lah, all those small towns en route to balik kampung. Semonget. Beranang. Mantin. Taman Lobak just before the heart of Seremban. Pokan Kualo Pilah. Thank goodness for awesome food at da baruh. Mmmmm....cheesecake along. Apam manis mak lang. Rendang dan dodol mak long. Rendang emak saya dan ketupat Cik Nona.

Raya 2
11 hours of driving from Bahau to Kota Bharu. 9 of which, I WAS THE ONE DRIVING. Gilo apo 9 jam from Kuantan to KB??? Damn all those traffic lites in Terengganu. Damn all those pak ajis in their 'pok reh reh' (at speed of 30km/hour, there was some serious almost-homicide going on there. me decapitating their heads at full swing of a dagger). Saya penat drive lama-lama. Ini kerja gila. Now I'm starting to appreciate my dad driving us for the past 20 plus years. Tima kasih bapa. Tahun depan marilah bersama-sama menaik kapaltebang saja. Point Enrich bapa kan banyak, hehehehe....
Note: Pok-reh-reh adalah kereta Ford buruk yang biasanya berbunyik "rrrreeehhhh rrreeeehhhh rrrrreeehhhhhhh" bila dipandu sama ada pak aji, atau kimi raikkonen sekalipun.

Raya 3
Yeay, annual raya reunion with childhood fwens! Makan at Ilida's. Lynne is forever full of gossip (I hope she's not entirely serious about her latest love find). Hadiani's back for good, double yeay! And she finally found her true love, triple yeay! Hear this people, guess who made sure that our Angkasawan's food up in space is free of harmful microbes? hohoh, saya sangat berbangga kerana orang itu adalah kawan sekolah saya Cik Nur Ilida, researcher kat mardi sana. and she has verified that Dr. Faiz is a real hottie in person *mmuuuaaahhhh.....
Personally i am not really fond of the angkasawan program. And the chosen guy is so off. Why not Dr Faiz lah? I think the money should have been distributed to the needies anyway. Buy more books and food and baju sekolah for impoverished and malnourished children. Or, give some to Pusat Asasi Sains to make sure they buy new 'radas' for the science labs. Circa 1999-2000, I still had to use some ancient lab tools, waaaay more outdated than what were used in my high school.

Raya 4
I'm a god mummy! Welcome to the world my darling Syaza Fitrihanna Mohd Syawal. Aunty Adie love you to bits already. Can't wait to hold you and kiss you till you get kissy-sores. heh, sori fied/wale. Over pulak aku dgn anak korang. adakah saya kecik hati that she's not named mira nadia? oh tidak. tapi papa mama dia takkan dapat souvenir lagi jika saya pegi vacation. Hah. Hah. Ahaha. (gelak yg evil).

hullo aunty adiepot! it's moi, syaza hanna :D

Raya 5

Skip lah. Nothing interesting except that I arrived at the airport much too early for my flight home. Interesting ke macam tu?

Seriously people, do you actually wanna know what happen to me everyday during raya?

Oh, you do. How sweeeeeeet. Ngehehehehe.

Raya 6
Welkam home. I was Home Alone. aaaaaahhhhh \^O^/. Mid-morning I woke up and bathed and dashed da door to meet my new darling.

Held her so close, and she smelled so niceeeee. Bau baby memang sgt best, mmm...... When she cried, i lulled her back to sleep. Eh, not really lah. I had to calm her down by saying "Okay shayang, kita pegi shopping beli kasut yeh?". MAGICK. See, that's my girl. Always enticed by shops and shoes. Aunty Mira will be so proud too. (Di sepanjang scene ini, papa dia encik wale sudah berpeluh-peluh nampaknya. 'habislah anak aku kalau adie yang tolong jaga'.)

That was the fun part. Not-so-fun part? I went home, makan ayam Mcd, kemas rumah, and fell sick from petang till at the time of this entry being written. Fever. Flu. Cough. Throat infection. Gastric. Two days of sick leave. One day of working remotely from home. But I had everyone to my aide at the height of my fever. So that's alright.

Thank you everyone. Those who took care of me and the well-wishers. Dah lama tak demam teruk camni but you made me less miserable. Ten thousand smile points for you :)

And here's what Mama Fied sent to moi this morning:

She's 7 days old today. Syaza Hanna, Aunty mish you sho muccchhhhhhh...! Can't wait to get better and go see her yeay!

adiepot XoXoXo

Friday, October 12, 2007

esok hari raya!

esok adalah hari raya.
beg belum pack.
panadol actifast belum beli.
rumah belum habis kemas.
baju raya belum collect kat tailor.
bos bagi balik pukul 4 tapi saya dah stop buat keja. eeeiii..malas.

hari gelap. ada harapan hujan lebat kejap lagi.
macam mana nak pergi kat tailor? nak park kereta kat mana pun tak tau sebab itu bukan territory saya. iyelah, pertama complex. tempat orang old skool macam encik scarlet kingsnake (ahah, jgn marah bro). saya muda. saya tak biasa. sebab bukannya the curve ke kan. heheh.

oh, semalam saya dapat duit raya. terima kasih . dah lama tak dapat duit raya. saya terharu. *sob!

selamat hari raya aidilfitri people. if at any time my jottings have offended you, ampun dan maaf zahir dan batin :)

i'll be on the road on raya II. bah! kalau naik flight 8 jam macam tu dah nak sampai europe dah sikit lagi. eh, south africa kot. eh tah lah. tak mau cakap pasal europe ke tempat jauh2. tak ada duit sudah nak gi vacation lepas ni. huhuhu...

**Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri**

Monday, October 08, 2007

Today is not happy day. saya bangun lambat. saya pakai baju kurung bodoh je pergi opis. rambut saya macam rumput padang savannah. dekat taman desa jam teruk. sampai MV dah lambat, saya takde masa nak pakai makeup (no, i dont apply makeup at home. it's done either while driving or at the parking bay or kat chermin depan toilet kat ofis saja). i didn't have much work today. in fact, none. i know i should have rejoiced at the fact that i can goyang kaki. tapi saya tak suka. sangat tidak produktif. otak pun jadi lembab. saya tamau jadi separa bimbo hari ini. oh, my sinus area was wrecking havoc. banyak mucus dan saya rasa gatal-gatal satu muka. not good. not good at all.

Lunchtime saya pergi bayar bill telefon yang dah overdue 2 hari. i must control my yakking habit dengan sesiapa sahaja yang saya boleh mengekol. (memang dari kecik say suka bersembang tepon. tak tau la gene mana ni. maybe i have mutated genes. maybe it's the ubat nyamuk that i 'devoured' on when i was still a baby. intoxicated. hoh.). Dah la beratur lama kat maxis tu. selalu macam tu. they should have an auto kiosk where you just key in your phone num and deposit your pay. saves the time to repeat your num to the service person multi-times.

me: three, seven, ....., seven, one
service desk girl: tree, sewen,....., nai?
me: no, ONE!
me:ONE, UNO, UNO, UNO!!! (cheh cheh, mentang2 le holiday kat spain itu hari hehehe)

Lepas phone bill episode habis, i 'embarked' on a journey to hunt for kasut raya. for the umpteenth time. sudah sebulan kita berpuasa, tapi pencarian kasut raya saya masih belum selesai. nothing triggers my fancy so far. i want wedges. somehow i think i should get a vertical upgrade this year. i know they're very spring/summer and it's fall now but 'do i look like i care?'. you see, i have narrow feet and most of the time they aren't wedges-friendly. and i want slip-on wedges, not slingbacks. tetapi di marie-claire spanish collection di Bata (ohoh, sungguh ole skool) ada sling-back wedges yg sangat delish in brown leather. i didn't wanna get them at first because of the price. so back to my shoe-hunting cherita. pergi sana, pergi sini semua tak minat. masuk pretty fit. oh, ada jugak la yg saya minat. 'hi, do you have these in size 37?'. 'sorry miss, sudah habis'. masuk lewre, 'size 37 please.' yesss, ada! oh, oh, oh kaki saya sgt hodoh dlm wedges ini. jari jari kaki yang panjang terjuloq keluar kat depan sangatlah hodoh. ooohh, how about this other design? damn comfy, sangat best. and on half price! 37? 'Sorry kak, dah habis. cuba tengok kat metrojaya'. so i walked to the other end of the mall looking for my perfect fit shoes. haha, guess wot? tak ada! saya berasa saya nak beli yang kat marie-claire tu. biar lah slingbacks pun, dia chantek. dan saya akan menjadi tinggi. nyammm. (berperasaan sangat superior drp nazli dan nypd haha)

Haih...saya frust. dah la demam. ok maybe belum demam, a bit 'ekzejeret' there. no shoes. ugghh. and to top it off, i actually also do not have a beg raya. haruskah berjalan 5 minit ke The Gardens dan membeli beg kecil brand *tutttttt yang sgt ridiculous harganya itu? sebenarnya tidak harus but no shoes no purse equals to 'NO RIANG RIA DI HARI RAYA'. camney tok?

Mira has new shoes, new lippie, and a brand spankin' new mini-monogram speedy! all for raya, aggghhhh...jeles yang amat sangat. (babe, saya ini adalah sangat sedih)

Lihatlah dunia, ketidak-adilan yang amat di sini....

p/s: cantik kan kasut ni? siapa yang dok US nak tolong belikan? (hint,hint!)

Thursday, October 04, 2007

anda okeh?

because of my ever-changing moods, i have resorted to changing to 3 diff templates in the last 24 hours. i believe that this one quite suitable matches not just my mood (for tonight), but also my age which is, *beep! <-alah kalau tgk kat profile ada je umur kat situ heheh

anda suka ini template? very serene kan? compared to my old template lah which was very broody and 'mandom'...

in approx 8 days, 'mira nadia binti mohd shawal' will be born. congratulations to fied and wale for the upcoming latest addition to the family. kalau nama ni korang amik aku dgn mira bagi duit raya lebih, ngehngehngeh...(saya adalah sangat hepi sebab nak dapat god daughter yeay!)

Wednesday, October 03, 2007